среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Fed: Australia donates $850,000 for human rights projects

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Australia donates $850,000 for human rights projects

EDS: Embargoed tO 0001 (AEDT) Sunday, December 10.

CANBERRA, Dec 10 AAP - The Australian government will provide $850,000 to support projects
in developing countries to mark International Human Rights Day.

Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Teresa Gambaro said the money would go
to projects aimed to protect and promote human rights at community level.

Ms Gambaro said one project in Cambodia would provide counselling services and raise
awareness of mental health issues for victims and witnesses in the Khmer Rouge trials.

Another project aims to strengthen women's participation in politics and decision making
in Vietnam.

"Australia has a strong track record of promoting and protecting human rights internationally.

Through the aid program, we assist governments in developing countries to protect and
promote human rights," she said in a statement.

Ms Gambaro said the government also funded aid activities that created a public demand
for human rights to be observed.

"In doing so, we recognise that those living in poverty are often denied their basic
human rights such as access to education and health, and an opportunity to participate
in public life. This makes it harder to break the cycle of poverty," she said.

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