среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

King a Fan of His Royal Airness

From the "Being-in-the-right-place-at-the-right-time" department:

Wednesday night, your columnist talked his way past a suspiciousSecret Service agent to ride an elevator in New York's Mayfair HotelBaglioni and chat with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia of Spain.

"You're from Chicago?" said the king. "That's where MichaelJordan's from. . . . Will the Bulls win again this year?"

The tall king's interest in basketball shouldn't be a surprise.It mirrors the B-ball mania sweeping Europe.

When the king learned Jordan was opening a restaurant that nightin Chicago, he said, "It will be very successful, I'm sure."

That's a safe bet, your majesty. Now about the Bullsthree-peating. . . .

ALL WET: It was supposed to be the first time sports anchorsfrom all major Chicago TV stations got together to make a publicservice announcement. But maybe Mark Giangreco, Dan Rowan, TimWeigel and Bruce Wolf were a little nervous about jumping intoswimsuits. The no-shows were scheduled to film a poolside commercialpromoting Little City Foundation's upcoming summer "Smiles Day"fund-raiser.

Channel 2's Corey McPherrin did make a big splash, however."That guy's got a great body," said one woman who watched.

MUST HAVE BEEN A FULL MOON: Wednesday's column inadvertentlymoved Russell Gloyd's May 11 wedding to attorney Jeanne Bishop fromFourth Presbyterian Church to Anshe Emet Synagogue. . . . SinceJackie Mason arrived so late at last Friday's Variety Club CelebrityBall, my colleague Irv Kupcinet told him not to bother going on,since most guests had already left. Mason did not leave because ofemcee Rick Rosenthal's attempt at Mason-esque humor.

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