пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Qld: No easy ride on the cape

Qld: No easy ride on the cape

By Jordan Baker

BRAMWELL STATION, Qld, Aug 25 AAP - Some have blisters on their backsides, at leastone has hallucinated, and another taken to hospital after a clash with a kangaroo.

On top of that, there is the constant threat of crocodiles for the 32 cyclists ridingover more than 1,000km of wild roads from Cairns to the tip of Cape York.

The punishing 20-day ride was organised by Melbourne-based cycling company All Trailsto raise money for the Fred Hollows Foundation.

As they cycle for hours in 35-degree temperatures, the riders are constantly on thelookout for crocs, spiders and taipans, one of the world's most deadly snakes.

They dodge wild pigs, cattle, brumbies and dingoes, while navigating sand, potholes,and severe corrugations on some of the worst roads in the country.

One rider was rushed to hospital with a severely lacerated forearm after a kangaroocrashed into his wheel near Cooktown.

The amateur cycling enthusiasts are from all over the country and all walks of life,and range in age from 32 to 69.

Most say the Cape York ride has been the toughest they have done.

"It's not the distance, it's the concentration," said Sydneysider David Solomon, 48.

Cameron Munro, 32, from Melbourne, said he had sore legs and blisters on his backside,and one of his mates had hallucinated because of the heat.

The reward was the satisfaction of knowing he'd done it.

"It's character building. Knowing you completed a ride like this is a good self-esteembuilder," Mr Munro said.

Rock Richards - a 69-year-old from country Victoria who's known as "the baby" of thegroup - is doing the trip as part of a plan to cycle between the northern-most and southern-mostpoints of Australia.

"I have had a dream to get to the tip of Cape York since I was about 20 years old,"

he said. "It's no rougher than I expected."

But Alan Stonehouse, 66, who has cycled from Sydney to Perth along the south coast,said he had had no idea what it would be like.

"This is daunting ... The heat knocks you about like mad," he said. "This will be thetoughest (ride) I have ever done in my life."

The tour has taken the cyclists along the Bloomfield Track, through Lakefield NationalPark, and up the famous Old Telegraph Line.

They camp in the bush and at stations and roadhouses.

When they reach the rocky point at the tip of Australia on Thursday, most plan to diptheir bicycle wheels in the water.

AAP jb/sc/ak/jlw/


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