четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Man pleads guilty to manslaughter of six-week-old son

Vic: Man pleads guilty to manslaughter of six-week-old son

MELBOURNE, Dec 2 AAP - A 23-year-old man today pleaded guilty in the Victorian SupremeCourt to the manslaughter of his six-week-old son.

Gary John Jones, formerly of Rintoull Street, Morwell, will appear for a pre-sentencinghearing before Justice John Coldrey on December 9.

Jones' barrister, Leonard Hartwick, said the case was a tragedy for his client, hiswife and family.

He said he would be asking for a "degree of leniency and mercy" to be shown based on"certain peculiarities" concerning the case.

A psychologist's report on Jones would be submitted to the court.

The child, Jordan Hynes-Jones, died in the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne onJune 20, 2000, two days after receiving a blow to the head.

AAP sew/gfr/apm/brs


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