среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

Venomous Girl Interviews

Venomous Girl Interviews, ezine, venomousgirlinterviews.com/

VGI is a site that seems to be a forum for the three girls that run it to post monthly diary entries about various shows they have attended, new albums they have heard and pictures they have taken. The sporadic updates occur almost as an afterthought and there doesn't seem to be a lot of effort put behind anything. As with most ezines they have a MySpace page. MySpace offers ? re- formatted web ? ages at no cost so anybody can do it with little effort. Ezines, bands and independent record labels have given up on their own webpage to showcase their wares for free at MySpace. When they do this, their old websites start to die. VGI is no exception. Why bother being creative (and paying hosting fees) when MySpace can do it for you? Why bother having an editorial voice or personality at all? VGI is dying and should be put out of its misery. (Joshua D Price)

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